--Speaking of
working too hard, I'm whoring my editing services out to my former employer, PFW, today after regular work. Should be nice...nice money, nice to be there briefly again. You see, they have a thing that needs formatting and editing that I did the last 4 years, but no one else really knows how to do. So, after I offered to do some freelance work for them last week, they came back with this. Hopefully this is the beginning of a bee-yoo-tiful friendship. :) Not that it was a bad friendship before...but it gets me "back in the loop" football-wise, so to speak, and that's good.
--A friend of mine (and the SuperNovas) is turning 30 in September, and has come up with what I believe is the most phenomenal idea ever. It's the Thirty for 30 event. 30 days, 30 special events (not necessarily parties or money-spending bonanzas...just something special, I assume), all celebrating his birthday. What a great freakin' idea! Why didn't I think of that? Such a great idea...
--Well, the week that has been me holding down the fort in just my fifth week on the job went just fine (so far)...that ought to instill some trust in the powers that be...not that they mistrusted me before, I don't think. But our issue is right on time and all that's left to do is what my cohorts bring back from Vegas to write and edit. That's always a good thing, having everything done and ready to go once the super gets back from a trip.
--Condo hunting continues...Gina and I looked at an IMMACULATE place just south of Jefferson Park that was at the very top edge of our price range. Phenomenal place...across the alley from a park (not Jeff. Park though), parking is easy, brand new bath and kitchen, 3-yr. old hardwood, tiled and carpeted floors, completely rewired, HUGE balcony and tons of sunlight...I love the place. It has a long hallway from the kitchen to the bedrooms and back door that would be really cool for displaying things...artwork, etc. (when did I ever think of that, right? :) ) The only negative is that there's minimal storage space and the windows will need to be replaced someday. Oh, and two of the three A/C units are pretty old. Oh, and that it's a buyowner.com property and there's some uncertainty about the asking price. What a nice place! And the negatives aren't all that bad. But we're not sure we can afford it or convince the guy to come down in price. I figure we should try, but we want someone with more knowledge to take a look-see. I'd be really excited about living there, I'll say that right now.
--Gina's going to see a place in Edison Park that's about $20,000 cheaper than the above Jeff. Park place. I told her if it's good, we should make a bid. Edison Park is not easy to get into, especially a place that takes dogs. And for the price, we couldn't complain at all. Plus, it's closer to Park Ridge than it is to "downtown" Edison Park. Hopefully this will come to an end soon...we shall see.
--Ah well...I should get back to work... :)