Monday, August 14, 2006

It certainly has been a while, hasn't it?

Well, Gina and I just got back in from wedding #5 of 2006, this one in Mexico for my buddy Luis. This was my first time in Mexico, and we stayed in Guadalajara. It was a pretty cool trip...I enjoyed the whole thing, although it was tough to remind myself to avoid the water at all costs, and the other tough thing was to have to tell myself that I couldn't just go into any ol' restaurant and eat. In fact, Luis recommended only ONE restaurant around the hotel, that he knew was "safe," "clean," etc. And we still couldn't drink the water at that restaurant. So I ate there about 4-5 times from Thursday through Sunday. It was good food though, no doubt.

Before that, really, work has really, really consumed my life, and when that hasn't happened, my life obviously belongs to my wife. :) Well, it's the truth, but really, work has just been really overbearing lately. So I'm hoping things get better. It being a "job," I don't know how high my hopes are for that to happen. But, hey, you never know, right?

Other than all of that, where do we stand? Well, here it is, partway through August...have you ever felt as though it "seemed like just yesterday when..." something happened, yet other things that have happened since seem so far away? For example, it seems like just yesterday that I was staring 2006 squarely in the face, with weddings, including my own, glaring back at me. However, if I think about my honeymoon, a mere month ago, it seems to have happened ages ago. The wedding itself seems to have been light years in the past.

I guess it's a symptom of how crazy my schedule has's a psychological reaction that my brain is giving me saying, "what the fuck is the matter with you? You're all over the place, with so many things hitting from so many angles, how can you organize and coordinate all of this?" So that part of the brain just says, "well, I won't dwell, I'll just get things done" and thus, there's no concept of time in the ways I used to be able to conceptualize time. I used to have a mind like a steel trap. I think that's because I had the time to devote all parts of my brain to things. Now, things come and go so quickly, that my mind simply has shifted into "process, solve" mode, and often, boy, I can't remember for the life of me half the details that I'd have previously remembered...most of those details were trivial, but it was always nice to be able to retain those details and have such a great memory.

Sorry...that was a sidetrack...just a spew of words and thoughts...I guess that happens when I get introspective sometimes... :)

Well, have a good week otherwise, and wish the PFW softball team good luck as we head into the playoffs tomorrow (Tuesday)...