Friday, October 15, 2004

I'm hungry.
But I left my cash in my other pants by accident.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I am still here. I just haven't had too much to say of now. :) More as events warrant...truly warrant.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

My preschooler mind...I had to share.

I just received a shipment of a new product from a company. It's a 14-count box of "White Cheddar Poocorn"...says right there on the shipping label in about 36 point font. Fortunately for the company, it's not on the product packaging itself.

I ate some poocorn today already. It is good.

Didn't weigh myself since last post, which is probably a good thing, because I ate like a king since then.

Took my parents to Gale Street Inn on Saturday for their 30th anniversary (which was in Sept.). It was good...the ribs were top of the line, but not the proclaimed best ever. But I was nitpicking, which I tend to do when claims are made like that. :)

This, of course, was after Friday night's rehearsal dinner meal at The Greek Islands restaurant in Greektown. Only the second time I've ever had Greek food, and I was impressed. It was good and filling...

Sunday was Gina's uncle's was fun. Sat through a Greek Orthodox wedding service, which was interesting...they like to chant. It was nice. Had a great dinner at the reception, and everyone looked great, in my opinion. But that's me.

As for my weight...I don't suppose I'm obsessed with weight, since Donna asked. I guess the point of all of this is that I'm happy that I added this weight and didn't get fat. So most of it must be muscle, because I still fit in all my clothes and I don't get winded while playing softball. So I'm not out of shape or unhealthy, and that's a good thing. I was just surprised, since I didn't think I'd add that much weight, whether muscle or not, in such a short period of time. I don't mind the extra weight, so long as it's muscle and good tissue and not flab. And I think that's what it I'm happy. :)

Speaking of softball...softball tonight in Park Ridge...ha, ha Will! :)