Today, I feel probably a fraction of what Gina feels like on a typical day at work. I feel like a second-grade teacher. You see, we've begun editing our Draft Preview book. Every editor gets a section. And, since I'm the primary second-editor of just about all copy, I'm the person people come to with style questions. Well, because our book has a quirky style on some things, I'm hearing "Andy, I have a question," and then almost instantly after I answer that question or walk over to show that editor how to do whatever it is, another editor is calling for me to come help him. It's pretty funny, actually...and it's a nice little power trip too. :)
Thankfully, since I spent the last two and a half days splitting up the book (putting players in alpha order by position), I get the always-short kickers section. That's an easy edit. So that'll leave me with little to do otherwise, unfortunately. I don't know what they expect otherwise, but we'll see.
At any rate, I'm excited about the weekend. I have Monday off, like many folks, which is nice. A three-day weekend is a good thing. Tomorrow, the family of one of Gina's friends is having a benefit dinner that we're going to. There's supposed to be dancing too, and I'm hoping there's swing-dance-able will be our first real "test" other than going to Green Dolphin Street.
Then, Saturday, of course, is Valentine's Day. I got Gina's gifts in the mail, on time and all accounted for, thankfully. :) I just hope dinner and the show go off without a hitch. That would suck if it didn't.
Sunday we're driving all over the city for my brother's b-day "party" and her brother's b-day "party." So'll be the first time my brothers and I have had girlfriends at the same time, and in the house at the same time at that. So I'm sure Mom will be excited and happy to have girls in the house, though she won't show it. And then maybe I'll just relax on Monday, though that's not really likely.