--134 days.
--Well, I just wanted to stop in and say Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope that Christmas and Santa are good to each of you. And if you don't celebrate, well, enjoy the extended work weekend, moochers. :)
--I'm hoping that Christmas will be good to my fantasy football teams as well. As Laz and Little Faber duke it out for the Ghetto Bowl IX championship, I have two other teams in bowl games and I'm leading in my elimination-style tournament with just this week to play. So, here's hoping that I'm celebrating at least one win, if not three wins, in 36 hours or so.
--Other than that, I'll be off all week, using up my vacation time at the end of the year, and that's nice. We'll have a good handful of wedding stuff to tie up, so of course, that will keep us busy. But, we're getting closer and closer, of course. So we should get that stuff taken care of. :)
--Anyway, that's it for now...Merry Christmas!