Saturday, July 31, 2004

Yesterday was not easy, in terms of work. Our graphics guy's CPU kept crashing, so instead of getting the publication out at 11am, it didn't go out until well after I'd left at 3 (if it even went out yet). I was quite tired.

So then I picked up Gina and we went to look at two condos...a new one and one she'd seen that she wanted me to see--it's now quite high on the list. That, of course, pushed our time limits in terms of getting to other places.

Then we went late to Christine's Tastefully Simple party. We got to try everything, even what we missed by being late. It was good...Christine's sangria is always tasty, and the Tastefully Simple stuff was also quite good. So I ordered some stuff and so did Gina.

Next was "Game and Movie Night," for which I was falling asleep on the couch-not-couch. We hung out with the gang for a little while, but I just had to leave because I was getting too tired.

So yesterday wasn't much fun early on, but it became fun and would have been more fun if I hadn't been so damned tired. :)

Tomorrow, I leave for Dallas until Tuesday. I have to do laundry today, and I think I might go out to The Brook to check on the gardens and visit with Gerard. We'll see.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Things recently discovered:
--Condos are expensive, but as you get older, "expensive" changes.

--Condos are still a better idea than apartments.

--It sucks to be waiting on design people to get work done. But there isn't much that can be done about that, the guy's new, and so am I.

--My girlfriend loves Nintendo "Contra," knows the 30-lives code and is actually better than me at it. I however, am much better at "Super Mario Bros." and "Super Mario Bros. 3".

--Jefferson Park is looking better and better, but Edison Park is still my first choice. Either one is fine and totally not out of our price range. Otherwise, my options are open, but out by O'Hare is my last choice (among places I wouldn't mind living). Obviously, Humboldt Park is my real very last choice.

--Work hasn't changed since my last job. It comes and goes in waves. I guess that's the way it is.

--San Diego may be a Sept. destination for me for another industry meeting. We shall see. That would be cool as hell.

--Newman's Own "Champion Chip Cookies," a wheat-free and dairy-free product, has plenty of taste...but it tastes quite weird. And a coworker tells me not to eat too many, or I'll get sick to my stomach because of the stuff they use to replace the wheat and dairy.

--Paul Newman looks really stupid as "Pa" Newman on the bag of cookies. It almost looks as though the glasses were photoshopped on. Just silly.

--That's about it for now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Lest I be accused, by Laz, of "giving up," as he so wrongly accused UrbanTherapy, I figured I'd post.

What's new?

Well, with me, I've been busy with the new job. It's been good. We're working on a publication now...a show preview guide. So finally, I get to flex some managing editor muscle of some sort. That makes me happy. I've been working on a story about trends in the tortilla industry. That's been interesting to write b/c I did none of the interviews and don't know very much about the topic yet. But I'm surviving.

My after-work schedule has been spent looking up condos with Gina. Yes, we're trying to move into a condo. She has the money to put down, and we both have enough to pay the monthly fact, it might end up cheaper per month than renting, which is nice. We'll probably look at a bunch of places during the week. So that's taking up a good portion of brain power. That and the anticipation of my first check, at the end of the week, which should allow me to start paying off debts, finally. Yay...

In other "news," I found this to be apropos and funny. Good work, Jack Higgins!

I heard on the radio today, driving in something about Toyota is developing vehicles that have emotions. Cars that will be happy, sad, angry, etc. My question is, why? What's the point? Why doesn't Toyota donate all that money to finding a cure for cancer or feeding the hungry? If the answer is, to keep the R&D scientists and engineers employed, well then donate them to the cause too. I just don't understand sometimes. Do any of you? Would any of you WANT a car that had and expressed emotions...they're supposed to give the car "eyes" as well somehow. Personally, I think that would be creepy...and unnecessary. But hey...maybe I'm a moron.