Thursday, March 29, 2007

I decided I needed to post some good news. Also, to post just to show the roller coaster of extremes that my life is right now.

As you know from the previous post, my little cousin died. It's sad, and a pretty big bummer, because he fought so hard. I'm just glad we all got to see him and his family this summer for my brother's wedding. I'm bummed, because I don't think I can get away to go down for the memorial service they're having next weekend. That kind of bums me out, but who knows...maybe it'll happen somehow. So that's dragging things down, obviously.

But, on the flip side, yesterday I found out I get a big raise. Finally...I knew that I was getting something, I just didn't know how much or when, because I had to wait for 2007 budgets to be approved...yes, it took them THIS LONG. Stupid corporations. ;) So that's great news, obviously...

Then, today, we finally got the seller down to our price, the price we've wanted. So my "shrewd" negotiations worked. I WIN! So we're about to accept the counter offer, when, oh, wait a second...Gina gets a call from another realtor. The realtor selling our top, No. 1 house throughout this whole thing. Hi, the house is back on the market, the deal fell through.

WHAT?!?!?! What a pain in the a good way, of course. But, the reason it's a pain in the ass is, I don't know if we consider it our top choice anymore, truthfully. We've spent the last few weeks forgetting about that house, more or less, and moving on to this house--which is a better HOUSE, but in not as good a neighborhood/school district as the "No. 1" house. So I don't think it's necessarily a slam-dunk that we'd go for it. Especially since we're standing at the edge of purchasing this home. I mean, we were about to jump and pull the rip cord, and the pilot said, hold on a second.

So, man, I don't know what's going on anymore... ;) Suffice to say, Gina and I have plenty to sit down and figure out tonight.

Aside from trying to wade through mortgage offers and figuring out which is the "best" for us. And THAT really sucks too. :) If any of you homeowners out there have used LaSalle Bank's OneFee and can shed some light on if it's legit or not, please email me privately. I won't ask for numbers, I just want to make sure I'm not missing something...I don't trust ANY of these conniving mortgage lenders and brokers, and they piss me off. :)

Anyway, just thought I'd update you all. Crazytown, crazytown.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My little cousin, seven years old, passed away just after 12:30 this afternoon after a nearly three-year fight with cancer. He died at home in the arms of both of his parents, with many, many friends and family around him.

Tonight, at dinner or wherever you are, cherish, appreciate and celebrate what you have and the fact that you've made it this far. No matter how hard you have it, think about how it might be to be six or seven years old and battling a horrible, relentless disease. Just keep it all in perspective.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Dual updates, again...well, my cousin apparently was able to get some restful sleep during the day. They are hoping he can rest through the night as well. Obviously, who knows what is exactly going on, but it doesn't seem good. Continued prayers and good thoughts are appreciated on this makes it hard to think about houses and such during idle times.

But, at least the good news is that we don't have to worry about selling the condo anymore. We got our seller to sign on the dotted line today, meaning we now have a contract and pre-approval in hand to go to the house we want and say, "Gimme!" We're also upping our offer by around $5k (partially out of spite that the came down only $2k, partially out of that's what we really want to pay). So we'll see what their response is. Then I'll ask for the massive aquarium. ;)

So, it's been a roller coaster here, for sure...soon to continue, I'm sure. I will keep posting updates as they warrant.

My little cousin in Texas, the one who has been battling tumors on his spine (post brain cancer a couple years ago) and has been holding up well, apparently took a serious turn for the worst last night. The news is not good at all now. So if you're the praying type, please add him and his family to your prayers today. If you're not the praying type, please send some good vibes and karma his way.


Also, house update: They will not accept our bid until we get a contract signed on our condo. So now we're scrambling to make our "lined up" buyer a "signed" buyer as soon as possible. The house owners did counter, but it was a pathetic drop...could be taken two ways--1. because they didn't have to counter since they were turning down the offer pending a contract on our place, that it was a good-faith gesture saying they'd be willing to negotiate when we supply a contract. Or, 2., they could be showing their determination to play hardball on the price. If so, we'll be playing hardball on the home inspection and will change our bid accordingly, post inspection. But we'll see what happens...hopefully no one else will bid while we try to secure our condo's contract.