My little cousin in Texas, the one who has been battling tumors on his spine (post brain cancer a couple years ago) and has been holding up well, apparently took a serious turn for the worst last night. The news is not good at all now. So if you're the praying type, please add him and his family to your prayers today. If you're not the praying type, please send some good vibes and karma his way.
Also, house update: They will not accept our bid until we get a contract signed on our condo. So now we're scrambling to make our "lined up" buyer a "signed" buyer as soon as possible. The house owners did counter, but it was a pathetic drop...could be taken two ways--1. because they didn't have to counter since they were turning down the offer pending a contract on our place, that it was a good-faith gesture saying they'd be willing to negotiate when we supply a contract. Or, 2., they could be showing their determination to play hardball on the price. If so, we'll be playing hardball on the home inspection and will change our bid accordingly, post inspection. But we'll see what happens...hopefully no one else will bid while we try to secure our condo's contract.