Thursday, June 03, 2004

I see this in a confidential job listing: "Phone calls and drop-ins will be eliminated from consideration."

I want to go to a pay phone, call and say, "Yes, hi, I sent my resume to your company three days ago, and I was just wondering if you received it?"
"OK sir, what's your name?"
"My name? Oh, it's KISS MY ASS YOU FILTHY, SNOBBY PIECES OF SHIT WHO THINK YOU'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE REST OF US! FUCK OFF, THAT'S MY NAME! Oh, and good luck with your search, I'm sure it's a great fuckin' place to work. Assholes."

Dial tone.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Updates, in no particular order...bouncing around my head:

--Birthday weekend was great. Can't complain one bit.

--Party also was great. I did not get drunk, but maintained a nice buzz throughout. I stayed up until 5am, Butch and a friend (who stayed over) stayed up until 7am topping off the keg.

--Although I had fun at the party, I feel as though I didn't talk to anyone. Some people I almost feel as though they weren't there even though they were. Ah well, it was a well-attended party and I didn't see anyone sitting in the corner by themselves, so good.

--Thank you to all who came and a special thanks for the gifts brought by people. Not necessary, but appreciated greatly. :)

--Tuesday began a new era. Jackass upstairs is finally gone. I pray that whoever moves in next is better--even better would be if that person (those people) didn't have a dog. :)

--Actually went to a cool bar on Monday called El-Kee's on Elston and Keeler (thus the name). We met Gina's friend from the Army and a bunch of his friends. It was a good time, as usual.

--Still haven't seen the final three hours of "24"...working on it though.

--The Sox are in first. We'll see where they are after this West Coast trip. That always trips them up.

--I'm sleepy, and honestly, I'm tired of being unemployed. I need money. :) Simply to live, dammit.

--That is all for now.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I'm temporarily bored with my blog for now. I'll be back soon though, because I know a couple of you give a crap.