--262 days.
--Sorry for the distance between posts. Especially to the audience I didn't realize I had. :)
But now you get more distance between posts, and I'm taking a brief break from packing and battening down the hatches around here for me and Gina to head to Springfield, Mo., tomorrow morning. We're flying to St. Louis and driving, high gas prices and all, from there with a rental. Should be a lot of fun, since Gina's never been there and I haven't been back in 2-3 years. But we both could use an extended weekend away, me in particular, but her because she's got about a week before heading back to school, so no better time than the present for a short weekend jaunt one state over.
--Other than that, I have nothing majorly interesting to report at the moment. My brain is half on, half off at the moment anyway, because I drove out to Bolingbrook to drop off Kazak for the weekend.
--The fish? They're doing well...the baby danios are big enough that I put them in the tank with the rest of the fish and they haven't been eaten yet. I'm probably going to try to trade in as many of the danios to the pet store as I can. They're just terrorizing, inadvertently, the other fish by chasing each other all over. It's like a bowling ball and pins...the danio being the ball and the other fish being the pins. Or something. The baby guppies we got are also getting to be a nice size. Don't know yet if they're feeder guppies or fancy guppies yet though. We shall see...and the new corycat and otocinclus are sitting in the quarantine tank as of now. Haven't seen any signs of illness on them or the baby guppies, so I've avoided medicating, because they're both very, very sensitive fish.
--That's about it though...have a good weekend, everyone!