Thursday, August 05, 2004

Well, about the ONLY thing that was good about unemployment is that my head wasn't spinning, as it is now.

Dallas was a wham, bam, thank you ma'am type of trip. I left the airport once, to go to the tortilla maker. Otherwise, I stayed at the Hyatt inside the airport boundaries. I hope other trips will allow more time to peruse the city. But it was worth it. I came home with a whole bunch of tortillas. :) And my flight was only one hour late on Tuesday. I was dead tired afterward, but still didn't get much sleep.

Wednesday I got little sleep as well, and I was stricken by a gastrointestinal something or the other--I suspect something from lunch on Wednesday at P.F. Chang's is disagreeing with me (and quite heavily disagreeing with me, I might add).

I worked through it on Wed. night, but today, I couldn't. Much pain in the abdomen to go along with the, um, yeah...I stayed home. My first sick special. The nice thing is, I got some much-needed rest. But, of course, I actually have plenty of work to do at work, so this sets me back a bit.

Tomorrow, this better be gone, that's all I'm saying.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Ah, business travel...I guess it shouldn't have excited me from moment one.

I'm at home now. I spent 4pm-10pm sitting in Midway, waiting and watching my flight get pushed back over and over and over, and then "cancelled" until 8:30am Monday, because FAA regulations wouldn't let the crew fly any more hours on Sunday (after the CPU glitch that set all of American Airlines back 2 hours). I checked ATA, the only remaining departure from Midway to Dallas. $250 one way. Didn't matter though, because there was no room. Latest flight out of O'Hare was around midnight, but I wouldn't have made it (taking the trains), especially given the runaround I'd probably have had to go through to get switched to that flight, etc., etc.

So now I'm going to miss half the day of working on this story (the fun part, touring the plant), and maybe will miss interviewing the company president. I don't like that. It makes story-writing harder.

Thankfully, my supervisor (who flew out of O'Hare about 1.5 hours late, but got to Dallas) was understanding. Still, I'm not happy about this. But, I have to now go to bed and rest up, as tomorrow's not going to be a short day by any means. Dammit.

Goodnight all...more upon my return. Once I go, that is.