Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm a little more than 12 hours away from the announcement of major, major upheaval at work. Let me 'splain.

We were up for sale. Our division, only. Our division, by the way, kicks mucho ass. Best thing that our owners could sell (which says something right there, but I digress). So, this has been "in the works" for months now, but has been pretty much quiet for a long time.

So rumors float today about the impending purchase actually going down in the next day or so. Everyone's extremely worried, and rightfully so...for some people. Apparently, a competitor to some of our business is paying beaucoup bucks to buy us. That's OK, except that, on good word, this is very bad news for the higher-ups. VERY bad. Now, why should I care about the higher-ups? Well, three reasons...

1. I like them. They treat us right and treat us well. And they definitely treat me right and well.
2. I've built up a magnificent reputation with them. Meaning, fast track to further success.
3. I answer to the higher-ups. I'm just below them on the totem pole.

Now, I'm in little danger here, pretty much. I'll survive. But, if this goes down the way I've heard, selfishly, I'm gonna be a bit peeved. All that work, out the door--I'll have to re-prove myself (because, yes, there will be some carryover that our biz rocks the house, and that I'm a big part of it, but still, in business, it's "I'll believe it when I see it."), and also learn how to deal with a whole big slew of new people that I have to answer to. Not my idea of fun, given that I'm comfortable with those above me and know a lot of their inner-workings and intricacies.

That said, supposedly this is a great company, dedicated to growth and commitment, and that it actually might be good for our sub-divisions, simply because our previous owner was a fly-by-night out for a quick buck.

Which is evidenced by the fact that they owned us only a couple years.

So, I reserve judgement...and I know things always work out, but this is going to definitely be interesting.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

This weekend was most definitely tough on the diet...

After touching 189.5 pounds on Friday morning, I put down quite a lot of beer and food yesterday (though, actually a lot LESS than I used to) in a barbecue setting for the Ghetto Bowl draft and later get-together with a bunch of coworkers. Today, I had my big-money draft, and put down less food than yesterday, but still a little more than I've been eating in one day. Only slightly more though.

Yet, this morning I woke up and was at 190.5 pounds, meaning I gained a pound yesterday, when all was said and done. Again, filing that knowledge away is half the battle here. We'll see how I rate tomorrow morning. It's been really interesting. Also, it's basically gone "as planned" based on what they say. I've lost a pound or two per week after the initial big loss at the start.

That just means that I'm going to have to step it up and take it to "the next level" by finding "excuses" to exercise more...and I'm willing to do that.