Tuesday, April 18, 2006

--18 days. Oh, and KM, my year now feels a little cheapened by my own discovery that I can't read a calendar and count properly too...so I'm with you on that.

--You know, I don't HATE country music. In fact, much of it is not bad, and some of the stuff that resembles pop music is pretty good. I like the stories and the subtle humor that SOME of the lyrics contain (I know, "Get Drunk and Be Somebody" isn't very subtle or much of a story). But, while driving up I-29 from Omaha to Sioux City, I heard a song I hope I never hear again...don't know if the name of the song is this, but it certainly was the hook: "She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy."

--Here's another thing I realized...I remember Sioux City for one thing, and that's that horrible plane crash years and years ago--you know, the one where the plane crash-lands in a ball of flame, and you can actually see the wings cartwheel and whatnot? I had never been to Sioux City, and when that happened, I guess I assumed Sioux City was, well, a city. I'm on the south end of town, but I've seen nothing telling me this is any kind of city. In fact, the only Marriott-owned hotel I could find was this here Fairfield Inn. Of course, the upside to this is, this Fairfield Inn is 300 times better than the shithole Fairfield Inn in Baltimore and about 100 times better than the Gurnee Mills one. Plus, I get free high-speed Internet (on a low-speed laptop--but at least I get to use it).

--Anyway, for now, I'm tired...I just wanted to share a few things...you know how that goes.

Monday, April 17, 2006

--19 days. All this time, and my count was off, because I was going by the full year, and counting the actual wedding day as "1." Well, now you know why I'm a journalist and not a scientist or accountant. :)

--So, anyone know anyone who was offended that they weren't invited to my wedding? Or anyone know anyone who might want to come (that actually knows me or Gina relatively well)? Turns out, we overestimated things a bit. They say that 20 percent of your invites typically cannot make it. With about 50 people who did not RSVP at this point, we're at about 30 percent regrets. That sucks, but what can you do? May is a busy time, but what time isn't. Besides, pretty much all the most important people will be there, with a few exceptions. But it kinda sucks. It will still be a big wedding, but unless we get a miraculous push, there will be some "empty" slots. So let me know if you have any bright ideas...

--I'm going to Mumps Central tomorrow evening...western Iowa/eastern Nebraska. I figure if I contract mumps on the plane (which seems to be the preferred method of transfer of mumps nowadays), it should incubate for 2-3 weeks, just in time to hit me at the wedding. Nice.

--Go White Sox! At least they're doing well right now...so far, so good.

--But now I'm tired, so I'm going to call it a night...see you all again soon!