Given... lack of in-depth political knowledge and trivia, and my lack of "trials and tribulations" that others have gone through, I guess I can't exactly put into words what Obama's election means. But, I can say these things:
1. I'm so proud to be a Chicagoan, and specifically from the South Side. Sure, it's a big place, and I'd never even have considered venturing toward Hyde Park from where I grew up, but still, as evidenced by today's post-election event, we Chicagoans take MUCH pride in our own and in celebrating when one of our own does well.
2. I feel like the Grinch, after his heart grows, right terms of hope and happiness that maybe things will get better. Sure, things aren't really "bad" for me...but they are "bad" for people, friends, family members I know. I've worried too much about how my government runs my country over the last 8 years, and I don't believe (whether others like it or not) that I should have to do that. With Obama, I feel comfortable trusting the keys to the nation to him. I get the feeling a lot of people agree. He commands respect, dignity and trust, almost from the minute he opens his mouth.
But now I have to go to bed...because Obama did not give me the day off tomorrow. Man, does he suck, or what? :)