Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One night only...

Well, boys, this is it...time to go out and kick the Twins' asses and send them packing for HOME for the rest of the year, while we pack for Tampa Bay. Don't disappoint the fans, White Sox. I still believe. Make everyone else believe.

And, dear Laz...in response to your last comment:
I didn't quit hoping or believing. I just quit getting pissed off at their disappointments to that point. Read it again, buddy boy. :)

They've "ruined the whole damned thing" means that it should have been a lot easier than it has, given that the Twins did nothing to take the division from us either.

I'd rather lower my expectations (which I have done) and be pleasantly surprised than mortally disappointed. So far, that has worked.

Besides, had I "quit," I wouldn't have sat in the pouring rain yesterday with my poncho on for 3.5 hours waiting for baseball, by myself -- no bathroom break, no beer, no food. I sat there, in left field, in a poncho, with the rain beating down on me. No reason to move, just waiting for baseball and keeping my seat dry.

And I know you're just giving me shit, but I'm just clarifying for anyone else who might think I'm a "quitter" or I lost hope. :)