Not that I need to tell any of you, per se, but iTunes definitely rocks. Reason No. 4263 supporting that? Well, Live's new album is slated to hit stores on June 13. But, I got it today on iTunes. And, of course, for much cheaper than Best Buy/Circuit City's marked up crap. Rock the house.
Oh, and Bruce Springsteen's Seeger Sessions album is pretty damned good, if you're into that old-timey (to quote "O Brother Where Art Thou?") music. Good stuff, on first listen...
So, back to work tomorrow, after a weekend of many burgers (on last count, I believe I had about six burgers). Not a big varied diet for a Memorial Day weekend, I know...but they were all quite tasty. And I even got to shovel down four slyders this afternoon too! Now THAT'S a varied diet.
And we're within a month of the big honeymoon. Can't wait! But for now, I get to finish "planning" my brother's bachelor party.