Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Now is ze time on Shprockets ven ve dans.

No, I haven't seen anything like Sprockets...I haven't seen much of anything, because of this show. The train station here, the Hauptbanhof, I believe it's called, is a freakin' awesome building. Check it out. Plus, it has the cool old-fashioned electronic bells signaling trains entering and leaving or whatever--like in the old wartime movies. I guess they never changed them out. Sounds cool though.

Haven't had much German food...lots of beer, though. But I drink hefeweizen all the time anyway, and it really isn't that much different here, truthfully. Although white asparagus is in season, and is a delicacy...especially at this one restaurant, where it is sauteed in butter and served with a mustard/butter sauce. Mmmm.

Oh, and McDonald's serves some sandwich called Chicken Mythic, which I had today and wasn't very mythic.

Otherwise, that's all I have for now...it's 11:45 pm here...time for bed. I'm back late Thursday night, and then it's crazy weekend. :)