See, this is why I don't care for politics and elections...
Why should I give a crap about what Bush or Kerry did or didn't do or might have done or under what conditions things were done during time served or not served in the Vietnam War? What in the name of God's green earth does that have to do with whether or not either of these guys would be a good President? What does any of that have to do with running a country (as opposed to running a country into the ground)?
How about Bush tells me how he's going to allow me to keep my job and make enough money to afford my new condo (once I get it), instead of getting my ass laid off?
How about Kerry tells me how he's going to RESOLVE the freakin' Iraq problem without creating more terrorists in the process?
When they resort to bullcrap like this is when I want to go into the polling place and say eenie-meenie-minie-mo.
But I won't do that. This time.