Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Unemployment check comes at the end of the month, barring any other problems. They didn't call until 10:15 or so...good thing I didn't have important things to do. But it got worked out, I think (and hope). Speaking of which, I need to find out if I can NET $150 or GROSS $150. Kinda important. Hmmm...

In other news, I got my first two rejections via email today! (haven't checked the snail mailbox yet, so maybe more!) :) Those from the "throwing shit at the wall and seeing if anything sticks" category. The first one said that a way to keep myself on file at their magazine (one of the bigger and better ones I sent to, that I kind of would have liked to work) was to freelance for them. Dude said I should pitch some story ideas to write about. I will try, but that's been my biggest problem: story ideas. :) If I come up with some good ones though, I'll definitely pitch them. Or something.

The other was a book publisher that said "it sounds like you have great experience that would fit very well at XXXX" and that he was keeping my resume on file for the future, since there are no openings right now. That sounds hopeful, but maybe that's the point. I don't know. :) I'm not gonna get psyched about it, of course.

On the other hand, got a call from the b a l l p a r k to set up an interview for Friday or Monday. So at least I'm potentially nailing down a part-time gig...that's important too. :) I have to call the guy and schedule it. And it'll be fun, in theory...better than standing behind a cash register, at least. Or so I hope.

All right...gotta take the dog out and then head to Gina's for dinner and swing class.