Uh-oh...I feel the creepings of laziness working their way in. :)
Today I was gonna go to PFW, but I decided, eh, I'm sleepy, I slept horribly Saturday night, so I'll just sleep in. Besides, the only real reason I was gonna go today was to tell them what they can pay me for part-time work. But I'll just call and let them know. There's no need to drive all the way up there. I mean, I have stories upon stories to print, but I can do all that on Wednesday, when I'll definitely go in there. That, by the way, is my unofficial last day. I need to call AFLAC too, to find out how to continue their service (and how to get reimbursed for the eye doctor's appointment tomorrow).
I heard that Home Depot (where, honestly, I wouldn't mind working if I had to) is accepting applications only until Thursday. So this puts me in a bind. Do I apply? Because if it comes down to it, honestly, I'd rather work at Home Depot than, say, K-mart. But it's too early to jump into that pool of job opportunities wholeheartedly, I think. Plus, then I'd have to figure out when, exactly, I worked for K-mart (since it's obviously not on my resume. :) ).
I also have to get hooked into that Writer's Market thing and send out resumes blindly, hoping something catches. It's kind of like fishing with spinner baits. You just cast and reel in, cast and reel in. Hopefully I have more luck with the job search than with fishing. I was never lucky.