Hmmm...that didn't work. It's 10:15. I wanted to get up at 9am to head to PFW...but I was too tired. So now I'm eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch and reading emails and blogs. I'll take the dog for a walk and then head to PFW. Hopefully I won't have to be there long. I'd rather not deal with traffic. It, of course, all depends how long I spend on the general cover letter. I hope it just flows out. Maybe I'll just use the same one I used for Potential Employer 1. That seemed all right. Ah well...we shall see.
Thankfully, the eye doctor cost only $60 for six months worth of contacts. So that won't completely break me. Now, I have to figure out if I'm gonna roll the dice and not do the health insurance for the next 18 months or pay $300/month to keep it. Actually, I have until May 10 to decide and retro-activate it. But we'll see.
Ah well...much to do, plus I have swing class tonight and then we're going with the group to Green Dolphin Street to hang out and swing dance afterward. It's nice that I have a girlfriend who has money and cares that I have a good time every now and then. :)