So apparently Blogger's all messed up or something, because I was unable to post this entry at home last night and now I'm having trouble here at work...stupid technology...
So much for that, the jackass old fart wouldn't go more than $8,000 below his asking price. So our realtor told them to take a hike...which is what we would have done. It's not worth it for only that little bit lower, especially when condos in that complex went for only as high as we were willing to go, and they probably weren't in as sad shape as this piece of shit. In fact, the one that went for the highest price we were willing to go to had a refurbished kitchen. Shit, my parents' former kitchen was newer than the crap this asshole had in his.
Fucking delusional old farts. I hope his shit sits all winter long and he comes crawling back to us. Then, our highest asking price will drop at least $2,000, if not more.
So back to the drawing board, which is pretty empty right now. I looked at the entire North Side, north of Addison and east of Western down to downtown, and found pretty much nothing. A handful of places, but doesn't say anything about pets, so who knows if any are even available to us.
Oh well...we're running out of time. I have to find a place to store my stuff and then a place to live for a few weeks...or more.