Well, I got through the main thrust of patching the wall, but the real test comes this evening, when I sand it down, check it and try to paint it. Hopefully, it will take only one sanding and one coat of paint (assuming I can find the maintenance man's stash of paint downstairs, which shouldn't be too hard) and I'll be done with it. Cutting the hole out and cutting the patch piece worked almost perfectly, and it was right over a stud, so I didn't even have to put braces behind the drywall to hold it in place. It was pretty easy. We'll see if I did it right...
As such, I missed Laz's visit to NW Indiana. I assume you guys had a good time. Hopefully Laz will get the job and then there will be more opportunities to get together. Whatever... :)
Ugh...well, I have to get to writing the cover story for the Dallas tortilla place now...it's quite a monster, so I need to get going on it like, now.