It is highly unlikely at this juncture that we would go after, seriously, let alone get this house that I saw...the monthly payments on the mortgage (if she could even borrow that much) would be doable...but the down payment isn't at this moment. At least not without jeopardizing our future a little bit in other areas (read: dipping into wedding funds saved up). Unless something comes up, it's probably out of our reach. And as long as I believe that, we'll be fine. :)
However, it has definitely peaked my interest. So much so that I want to go look at it, just for the hell of it. Of course, it'd probably be wistfully looking at it...but it doesn't hurt to dream, ya know?
We have about 3-4 places that we're supposed to look at tonight...well, Gina is, unless I get out of softball. We shall see.
Meanwhile, I have to take my suits in to get dry cleaned to pick up tomorrow, because Gina and I scored free tickets (through her cousin) for the Green Tie Ball on Saturday. Supposed to be fun...and although most guys wear tuxes, there are guys in suits there, so I shouldn't be out of place. At least not more than normal...
So, on to work I go...