Sunday, April 11, 2004

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it today.

It's been a pretty busy couple of days.

Butch left for Florida until next Sunday, so I've had the apartment to myself (not counting Kazak, of course). But big deal. Friday, Gina and I went out to Bolingbrook to work in my garden--get it cleaned up and ready to go. There is more work to be done, but it was a good start. Friday night, we decided to go to the movies. We went to the Evanston theater to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." It was pretty good, but let me tell you...prepare to think very, very, very hard when watching this movie. 45 minutes into the movie and I was still confused as to exactly what was going on. At the end, I could sense an overall "what the fuck?" feeling from most of the audience. The big confusion is because of the way the movie starts. In my opinion, it was a dumb way to start the movie, because it lost more than half the audience, I believe. But, once I figured it out, the movie wasn't bad...the beginning was just a stupid idea. Just be prepared to be on your toes, because you have to be constantly thinking and trying to figure out exactly what's going on at all times.

Yesterday, Gina and I took her car to get a new tire, went to breakfast at IHOP and then I watched the Sox game until dinner time, when we met her parents at Bakers Square. Then she went to church and I came home. She met me after church and we watched "Airplane!" which she had never seen.

Now, I'm getting ready for a busy, busy day...gonna be off to church, then to my family's house, then eventually to her family's house later. Tomorrow will be just as busy, since I have to take Kazak to Bolingbrook to stay there for much of the week and then pack and get ready to go to Grand Rapids, which we're doing late Monday night (after swing class). We'll be back on Wednesday sometime, but then I have a meeting for the ballpark job in the evening.

By the way, I was turned down for the water quality job...just so you all know. They narrowed the field to two candidates who were more qualified in business-to-business publications. Too bad too...probably would have paid well. I go.