Didn't do all that much today. Pretty boring stuff, I know. I simply got up around 9:30am and went to my parents' house to do laundry and eat a Market Day personal pizza for lunch. I was done with laundry by 3:30 and on my way home.
Then we had swing class--our fourth class began today. It's called Tuck Turns. I learned a few pointers on some of the things I was doing ever so slightly wrong, and that's good. I danced with the lead instructor on a couple occasions, and she was able to point out some really tiny things that were throwing me off just a bit, and that's good. It's pretty intimidating to dance with her though, even though she's a really nice person. But whatever. I got today's stuff down, more or less, it's just a little modification to my stepping that I have to work on.
I did get a letter from the b a l l p a r k though, and I'll be working Thursday nights and Sunday nights. That ain't bad at all. They also modified my pay so as to not interfere with my unemployment benefits, but I'll get the full amount in the form of a per-hour bonus at the end of the year. It should be cool. I also found out that our meeting on the Wednesday after Easter is in the evening, and that's great, simply because it allows Gina and I to take a mini-vacation (basically a day trip with a one-night stay) somewhere on the Tuesday/Wednesday after Easter. We had hoped to go on a several-day vacation prior to me getting laid off, but alas. We'll have to settle for this. And that's fine. Now, where to go is the big question...we probably won't go far at all. We thought about St. Louis, but that's almost too far to go to spend one day--thus ruling out Minneapolis as well. Probably we're looking at (of all places) Milwaukee. Simply because it's cheap, I know a few things we can do there that will be fun and it's really, really close by. We almost don't even care exactly where, so long as we can relax for a day and get away from it all, basically.
Tomorrow is my first full-time job interview. Should be interesting to see what this employer has to offer. I'm not gonna be all THAT picky, I will say. But I'm not gonna sell myself short either. We shall see what happens. That, of course, will affect if we're going on vacation or not too, I suppose...but we can kind of plan, ya know? :)
I'm gonna do some job-search research now though, and then probably go to bed, maybe a little earlier than normal. Yeah, right. :)
Update...jerkwad upstairs currently is not playing music. But he did just start vaccuuming the floor, here near midnight now. This really doesn't surprise me.
Oh, and hey, finally more search engine queries...I don't know whether to be happy or sad that no one is "finding" my blog. :)