Friday, March 26, 2004

The police have been notified. For the third night in a row, dude and friends are playing their guitars, and even singing, after 2am. Previous nights, it didn't actually keep me awake. Tonight, it has. The previous two nights, it kept up our front neighbor, who said she called the cops last night, and they didn't really do anything about it. Whether they do anything about it or not tonight, at least this is on the record for later, if necessary. That's what I told her, too...keep calling, because at least it's evidence on record against this guy for later. Or something. Oh yeah, and their original song really sucks...that's how loud they are, I can understand some of the's a taste of the refrain: "Lazy eyeball, what is it you see? Lazy eyeball, blah, blah, blah, blee."

I can't wait until the end of April, which is supposedly when his lease runs out, if he doesn't get evicted by then.