Not bitching ahead...just stating a point. Really.
This is why I'm not happy about being here at work today. First, I busted my ass on Wednesday to get stuff done ahead of time so I'd have a light workload today. Fine. I left some things to do this morning when I got in at 10am. Fine. It's 11:45 now, and I'm done with those things. Now, I have NOTHING to do, really, until 2pm or so, because I can't call my correspondents until then, per their requests.
So now I have to sit here. I could be home, at the worst, sleeping, but at the best, doing some cleaning and whatnot or maybe even figuring out my finances and how much money I wasted this month. Instead, now I'll write out some bills with a guilty conscience because it'll be on "company time" and hope the time flies. Meanwhile, many of you are at home relaxing or out shopping or whatever you do on the Friday post-Thanksgiving.
Basically, it's one thing to come in and work. But it's another to not really have work to DO. :)
Yesterday was nice...pretty typical Thanksgiving and all. Was made fun of constantly by my relatives, as usual. You know how it goes. We had the traditional Thanksgiving fare...turkey, stuffing, etc. Then we headed, traditionally, to my aunt and uncle's house in the burbs. We traditionally had cake and coffee and traditionally sat around the dining room table shooting the shit. (Someday, I know I will miss that when it is gone, now that us "kids" are all old enough to shoot the shit with our parents.) Then, traditionally, we went bowling at Suburbanite Bowl. I shot a 135, 106 and 141. I also lost $5 in that second game. We traditionally picked our names for our "Cousins Grab Bag" at the bowling alley. And then we went home. It was a good time, of course.
Tonight, Butch is having HIS housewarming party, inviting all of HIS friends (who mostly happen to also be my friends) to our place. That's the one nice thing about working--I don't have to be home to help him clean up or decorate or whatever he's planning on doing. :) I'm hoping to get out of here no later than 4:30, so I can head home and get ready for Kim and Nick's Thanksgiving Seconds dinner and then back to my place for the housewarming party. Butch is expecting a bazillion people, so hopefully they all fit at our place. And hopefully no one takes any of my stuff. :) There are some "unknowns" coming to the party, apparently...whatever. I'm not "worried," as I'll probably be there the whole time that the "unknowns" are there. A bunch of Butch's coworkers or clients or whatever. Again though, I'm not "worried" really, ya know? It'll be fun, most definitely.
But anyway, off to write some checks. :)