Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Boy, traveling alone kinda sucks, I gotta say. I mean, it's cool to travel and break up the monotony of being in the office and whatnot.

But, it's like, I go out to eat dinner, and it's just me. And I sit and eat my dinner and watch everyone else eat with friends, family, etc. I do get to sit and observe and think and whatnot, and it's nice and peaceful, but I'm a social person by nature. But not the kind that will go up to strangers and have a meaningless conversation just because I'm from Chicago and need to talk or something.

So it's interesting, because I see how I really am. I want to be social, but I'm not comfortable enough to do that and there's hardly any time to get to the comfortability level I desire. So I just sit, eat and kind of just miss home. Or think, boy, this would be nice to go to with my friends or family or Gina or whoever. Just not by myself.

The interviews today went well, and the plant tour was pretty cool. However, I was lucky to get lunch (leftover pizza from a meeting--don't know why they didn't schedule lunch), and I didn't get ANY freebies to bring home. That sucks. But I'm not the kind of guy who is going to be like, "Yeah, so I'm doing a story on you and traveled all this think you could hook me up with some crackers or cookies to take home and spread the love?" I'm only "outraged" because I figured it was fact, why *wouldn't* they give me freebies, to promote with? Ah big deal.

I fly home and arrive at O'Hare around 11am. Right now I feel like I'm going to fall asleep though. That's too bad, because I kinda wanted to go out...but then half of me is like, why spend the money to stand around by myself, ya know? :) Ah well...we'll see what happens. I need the relaxation time anyway too. So either way is cool. :)