Monday, June 21, 2004

This is the earliest I've been up in a while.

I have an interview at 10am, but I have to go to Kinko's to print a couple clips beforehand. I was going to do that last night, but I came home to the second straight day of destruction to the front door by Kazak. I couldn't figure out why the hell he started trying to claw his way through the drywall next to the door, but I talked to a neighbor and she said they were blowing off fireworks nearby both days.

He probably isn't used to fireworks at all. For three years, he lived in the basement in The Brook, so he probably hasn't heard fireworks, at least not that loudly. So I think he's scared of them when I'm not around. He also destroyed two miniblinds in the frontroom. This is, obviously, a bad thing. It's going to cost me money to replace, either way. Maybe I can convince my dad to come and help me patch the drywall someday before we move out. I also don't want the landlord to see it and give a bad recommendation to any future landlords. The blinds are one thing...but the big gash in the drywall is another thing entirely. We'll see.

So, I have to walk the dog, iron my shirt, shower, shave, go to Kinko's and then get to this interview by 10. Shouldn't be too hard to do, but this is why I'm up right now. :)

Everyone have a good day. ;)