So freakin' huge! For the first time in four years of working here, I'm NOT working on the Sunday of the Sox-Cubs series at Comiskey. For the past three years, I've had to miss that game, but it appears that we won't be working that particular Sunday, and that's HUGE. I'm so happy about that. Furthering my happiness, my birthday, which also falls on a Sunday, is a Sunday we don't have to work either. This is just awesome. I'm thrilled about that, because typically, since my b-day is at the end of May, chances are good that we'd have to work. But we work the previous Sunday, and that's just awesome. Wow, I'm lucky... :) I hope it continues.
Tonight, I begin learning how to swing dance. I'm excited and even a tad bit nervous...what if I can't move my feet quickly enough? What if I'm a bumbling idiot? Gina might start hating me...or worse, she'll meet some hip swing dancer dude and leave me for him. It's like that commercial with the surfing lessons and stuff...oh well, her loss then. ;)
Seriously, it should be much fun...I can't wait...anyway, off to lunch with PolishBasia and Husband of Barb very soon...meeting them at Portillo's...go figure. :)