Thursday, January 22, 2004

I now have a swing "repetoire" after yesterday's class. We learned three turns yesterday: "Side Pass," "Belt Loop" and "He Goes." Those with the "She Goes" we learned the previous week gives us a nice quartet of turns to use. And they're all similar. They basically form four points around your torso as to where you lead the girl to turn--an off-kilter box of sorts. So it's cool. And I'm getting much better about taking smaller steps. I think Gina and I dance really well together too, but some of the other girls in the class are finally getting's just tough to dance with some of them because they're timid or just not doing things right. Whatever...I know I'm doing fine, because when i dance with Gina or one of the others who seems to be getting it, I'm comfortable and I'm doing OK. I still need practice, no doubt, because I do screw up now and again. But I'm getting it really quickly. It's just a matter of practicing so we get the feel down of (me) leading and (her) following. So we get the communication right...that takes practice, that's all. We're gonna probably try to go to a club (or the studio on Tuesdays) every couple of weeks after the class is over (next week) just to keep our skills up and/or improving. The instructors are really cool and friendly, and very helpful at that. I guess I must be doing OK, because yesterday I didn't have either of them come up to me and give me any pointers. But who knows? :) I'm sure we'll take a second class to learn more stuff, but we'll see how that goes and what is next.

After class, we went over to McGee's to meet my cousin Will and brother Tim for a beer or two. We didn't stay long, but it was cool, nonetheless.

Otherwise, not much else is new...tonight I'm gonna relax and maybe watch more Simpsons or clean my room (it needs it, badly) and maybe go to bed early for a change. That would be nice.