Gina bought me some ornaments for my tree! That was nice of her, as she did it out of her own goodwill. So now, instead of five ornaments, I have 13. :) I have to hang them today.
I got a haircut yesterday at lunch, and I'm pretty satisfied with it, though the back isn't as short as I'd have liked.
I helped Gina grade papers in the evening after I stopped at my parents' to borrow money (grrr...)--I graded math workbook pages on counting money. I'm always surprised at how smart second graders are. It's pretty funny. Gina was grading reading tests and she was reading some of the funnier answers. It was quite funny. We put on "Kate & Leopold" which happened to be on one of the movie channels, but it was just kind of on in the background.
I'm happy though, because I'll probably get to spend Christmas Eve with her and her family, since my family is apparently not doing anything that evening. That's cool, and I'm looking forward to should be a good time, no doubt about it. Plus, then I'm gonna go to midnight mass at her church to see her sing in choir. I miss Christmas choir. I used to be in it. We'd sing once a year--Christmas midnight mass--and it was a good time. We were a small choir, none of us (except Gerard) having any musical experience or operatic voices by any stretch of the imagination. But for our little church on the Southwest Side of Chicago, we were beautiful. I could NEVER sing some of the stuff I did for performance at a theatre or anything like that, because I'd be laughed right out of Dodge. But at our little neighborhood church, it was good enough--it was the ambiance and the idea that people liked, not so much the quality. Now, that's not to say that after several years of singing solo on "O, Holy Night," I didn't nail it my last year, but the first few years were not pretty.
So maybe I'll take up choir again...I've been looking for an "excuse" to get me back to church anyway, on my own accord (i.e., with no one saying, "you should go to church with me")...maybe this is it?
Oh, and hey, I have a favor to ask all of you...I have a few leads on this (thanks, UrbanTherapy!), but I was trying to find more. Gina and I are looking for places to learn to swing dance--we want to take classes--like, multiple classes, not just a one-night workshop deal. We want to really learn. Anyone know of any good places that aren't super-expensive around here? In the city is better, of course. If so, pass them on to me, would ya?