Saturday, December 06, 2003

For those of you who don't know....

"This message is being sent by Dave for Donna. She does not have
direct access to email, since she has been checked into UIC
Medical Center and will be there for 10-12 days. We expect that
she will be just fine in the end, but she will have to undergo
surgery sometime between roughly Wed and Friday of this coming

She is on the phone with me right now, and wants to tell you
guys: "I'm going to be okay, but I'm stuck in the UIC Hospital until
at least Friday 12/12 and maybe just a bit longer with surgery
planned tentatively for Wed - Fri sometime."

Missing you guys..

(she didn't tell me to write this part, but I think she is a bit
frustrated at being stuck in the hospital even though she
understands the importance of staying. She can get phone calls
alomost any time and I think she would be thrilled to hear your

Back to Andy speaking: So, if you want info on where she is and contact numbers and such, fire me off an email and I'll share that info with you. I talked to her also, and she did sound down about being there at the hospital, so visits would be good and things like that.

Otherwise, now I'm going to go do some Christmas shopping (with no money--yay credit! More debt!) with Gina and then we're going to see a play at a Chicago Park District thing that one of her former (4th grade) students is in: "It's a Wonderful Life," which is also her favorite movie all-time.

Yeah...I'm way behind now today...gotta walk the dog still and get ready to go out. Talk to everyone later...