As "Displaced" approaches it's first birthday (can you believe I've been spewing my brains here for a full year already?), I've wondered just how to celebrate this momentous occasion. I'd go through and find the greatest hits of "Displaced," or the best rants of "Displaced," But that seems cheesy, and nearly 365 posts to read would not be good. So now I've put the pressure of coming up with something interesting for Thursday, the official birthday of "Displaced." Fantastic...hopefully I don't disappoint. :)
I should add, though, that although I thought my room couldn't get messier, it has. I decided to organize the closet, which means pulling all of it out, sorting through the boxes and crates and putting what I don't need down in storage. Well, problem is, I decided that around 4:30, with dinner scheduled with Gina for 6. I did this though, trying to find the duct tape and twine...but didn't. So my mirror continues to dangle. I'll have to get up early tomorrow (it better stop raining though, or the duct tape won't work) to take care of it now, though. And, of course, now there is SO MUCH CRAP in my room right now...ugh. And tomorrow is "24" evening, so it won't get cleaned then. Damn...Wednesday's about it then.
Gina and I went to a place called Pasta Bowl on Clark and Fullerton. It was good and pretty cheap, so that's nice. We chatted and then I stopped by her place for what was supposed to be a little bit, but didn't work out, as usual, that way. That's what happens when you put two talkers together. :) I saw her yearbook photos (and PolishBasia's picture after I realized that she was in there somewhere--ha ha ha ha ha!--it's OK, you looked just fine. My high school yearbook photos look much, much worse. :) :) )
So now I should head to bed...since it's freakin' 1am. Jeez...