Oh yeah, ACB, I used your housewarming gift to buy a coat hook rack for the wall, to hang our coats on that has a little shelf above it too, so we can "decorate" or whatever. And I also bought a frame for a piece of "art" featuring Chicago's tallest buildings, in order, that PolishBasia bought for me a while ago but I'd never framed. Now I can proudly display it, because it's a very nice piece. So now, I have to hang these things up somewhere sometime. :) I also need to buy a clothes hamper soon...I'm looking at the ones with three compartments. That would be nice...because right now my closet floor is stacked with dirty clothes, and that's not good. At least the hamper will "organize" my dirty clothes.
Further North
The account of one South Sider who is firmly entrenched on the North Side of Chicago.