Monday, September 08, 2003

All right. I'm up now...I looked at my last post and boy, it was stream of consciousness. :) Now you know how draining Sundays are at my work...and maybe you understand why I don't actually get to watch much of the games on Sunday even though we get NFL Direct Ticket and can watch whatever game we want. I'm too busy to sit and watch them though, which sucks. But it's a great doubt.

In about 15 minutes, I have to leave for the dentist. Then I come back here, do a radio show in Jacksonville and then most likely go look at some apartments that Butch has set up an appointment for. After that, maybe we'll head to Lindy's to get dinner and catch the Monday-night game. We'll see. I'll see if I'm tired by then.

My brother and I are definitely going to the Sox games tomorrow and Wednesday, assuming they don't sell out in a flash. We have a couple leftover tickets from the season that we didn't get to use or give away, so we're redeeming them for these games. Hopefully it works out and hopefully they win the series against Minnesota, whether we're there or not. Playoff-caliber baseball is exciting...helps me ignore the fact that the Bears completely SUCK.

All to the dentist's drill...cavity-filling time, baby!