Well, it only took 20 tries to get that picture right and I decided to screw the link...stupid blog html bullcrap.
Today was a busy, but not really busy, day at work. I got little done, honestly. In fact, lunch was more productive, to tell you the truth, because of the restaurant trip and subsequent acknowledgement that I'd like to work there. Hopefully they'll hire me, seeing as I have no table-waiting or even restaurant experience. But I'm going to stress that I'm very outgoing and helpful and friendly and that I'm a fast learner too. Maybe that will work. Or maybe they won't even call me back once I submit my application. Maybe they won't want my limited hours. Who knows? :)
Now, I need to send out an email about the BBQ...informative and questioning. :) That's all for now though.
LATE EDITION: SWEET! I got my first Google search query on this new tracker thingie I put on here. Whoever searched for "problem gambling blogs," I hope my blog is as useless to you as it is to many of my friends! :)