Saturday, March 08, 2003

Well, I got a raise. 4 percent. I don't know what to think about it right now other than, it's better than nothing. But then I think how that comes out to roughly $100 per month. Sure, it's $100 I didn't have, but how much will that help me, really? I have some thinking to do on it though, along with on the incentives program that was introduced today as well. Basically, we HAVE TO come up with 5-8 money-making ideas for the company apiece--goals of things we'd like to do. And they don't want "savings", if we shut the lights off, we'll save X amount of dollars. Or if we fire the person who runs our Web site, we'll save all sorts of money and a whole lot of heartbreak and angst.

Anyway, at the end of the year, the bosses look at our goals and any that have been accomplished are noted. They look at how much the company made off those ideas, and the person who had the idea gets a nice cut of the profits. It was, of course, highly talked of as "you could make an extra $10,000 to $15,000 if things work out right," and it's intriguing. Which means I'll probably stick around at least another year...unless something ridiculous happens. Now, if I could just think of five money-making ideas...(the thing they fail to understand is, if we could, wouldn't we start our own magazines?)

I was then approached to work this nice. :)

So we'll see what I think...