Houston, we have a date.
Mark May 6, 2006 on your calendars, (when you get them,) folks. That is the date of our wedding.
Interesting to see that we're not the only ones preparing this far in advance...Our first two choices, April 22 and 29, were already booked at the church. We could have booked a noon wedding on either of those days, but screw that...then what (other than drinking at a bar) are folks to do for the five hours or so in between the ceremony and reception (I hear the Bird's Nest rents out their back room...). In fact, we just missed getting April 22, because it was booked on Monday. That kinda sucks, but what can we do? Nothing, really, except accept (how about that word usage?) that this is where we're at.
So now we go hall-hunting...let the fun begin! The good news is, I'll get some free meals out of it, anyway... :)
My preliminary guest list stands at roughly 150-160. That's just MY list. Obviously, there will be some paring down...and our preliminary wedding party stands at 6-7 couples (other than ourselves)...we have too many friends, damn you all! ;)
Whatever, we'll see what happens...
Thanks for all the congratulatory messages and whatnot...they are really appreciated, even if I don't get to respond to every single one... :) Thank you all!