Thursday, October 16, 2003

The world is back to normal again. Unfortunately for all the Cub-fan friends I have. I went up to Basia&Pete's new house to watch the game after work. It is a beautiful house, as expected. They say they're not done unpacking, which, yes, they aren't...but given my current state of unpacked-ness, they look like they've been there for months and months. :) Christine thinks I hate her, because I supposedly never answered some email...but really, I know she hates me. I never go to Starbux, and she didn't reply to me either. I KNOW she hates me. It's obvious.

Otherwise, I'll be working today, as usual, and then I'm deciding whether to go home and unpack some more, go to my parents' house and do laundry or go out to Bolingbrook and pack some more crap out there. Probably I will go home and unpack. I really need to get my room in some semblance of order already. Then I have softball in Park Ridge at 9:30. So there's some time in, then I can eat at home and save some money.

Kazak has been fine...I think he threw up because of the anxiety of needing to go out yesterday morning, believe it or not. He was fine the rest of the day and this morning. Thankfully.

Ah well...enough for now...