Well, in my ever-constant paranoia about whether I can really afford this apartment or not, I sat down and figured out a "budget" for the next few months. Really, it's not a budget as much as it is, I get checks these days, bills are due these days, can I afford it without going broke? And, barring food money and gasoline money, which is variable, I guess I should do OK, after the first month or two. By then, my income with overtake my expenditures, at least on paper. And then I'll actually be in the black instead of the red. And, I must brag, this is without compromising my $100 of every check goes into my savings account rule. Now, I try to keep that untouched, and I will continue to try, but emergencies do arise, which is where that money has gone in the past. Of course, I'll then have to pay my parents back...I caved and am borrowing money from them; I HAVE to, or I won't survive the next two weeks plus. So I feel a little better about things related to that...of course, everything always looks good on paper. I'll also have some other expenditures I'll need to take care of, such as new tires on my car, possible fixing of the car if the earlier "service engine" light comes on again. But hopefully those things will hold out until I have some money to use. I hope.
Ah well...I finished, completely and finally, to my satisfaction, Urban Therapy's nightstand. I will deliver it on Monday night when I visit for the Bears-Packers game. I took pictures, too, but I'm too lazy right now to post them, plus you can't bitch, because the comments are down. Ha!
Otherwise, things are going good, I guess. I'm not as stratospherically high as I was over the weekend, but I still feel good. Can't beat that! :)
OK then...off to bed I go. Might as well get a good night's sleep while I can...since, again, I didn't do much packing tonight. Next week is going to be crunch time. No excuses.