Saturday, September 20, 2003

Well, Second City was pretty damned cool. I laughed my ass off mostly. I wish I had gone sooner though. Afterwards, about 1am, we walked down Wells a bit to see if we could find a late-night bar to stop and have a drink or two. We stopped at this place, Burton's Place or something like that. It was pretty cramped in there, but it was OK. Michelle said it reminded her of London, so she was happy. The running joke was to call me any name other than Andy that rhymed with Andy, because Billie inadvertently called me Randy. That created plenty of hilarity too...

Today should be fun. Heading downtown soon to meet Donna and hang out down there. Then, I'm off to the Sox game, and then off to Hopperfest, a friend's party. I expect it to be quite cool. But we shall see...I'll probably have to leave the Sox game early, unless it flies...we'll see... :)

Ah well, off I go.