Monday, May 05, 2003

Well, here's the in-depth news on the tornadoes in southwestern Missouri. Still don't know if anyone I know was involved in any of them. It's amazing how I feel about this. It's kind of creepy, because it's not like I was that attached to Missouri. I guess it just weird to realize that, hey, part of my being was wiped out by Mother Nature, even if it was just a small part. Anyway, Battlefield, Mo., is less than five miles from the apartments I lived in while I was down there, and I'd driven through it a couple times because it was a nice little bedroom-community town that was cool. Maybe that's why it's creepy to me, because it was so close to a spot I called home? I don't know. :) Never been to Stockton or Pierce City though. Oh yeah, and a bit of trivia that might be incorrect: I think a year before I lived there (I was there in 1999-2000), Stockton's downtown burned down in a massive fire--I think. You think they'd get the hint. Springfield News-Leader

Here's a map of the area we covered and where the tornadoes hit I lived just four miles north of Battlefield, on the outskirts of Springfield.