Tuesday, September 28, 2004

You know what I was thinking on the way home just the other day? I was thinking, do blind people have a completely different view of beauty than those of us who have full vision?

Blindness is something that really intrigues me...not got so old that the cataracts prevent vision. I mean full-on blindness--no light, no color, nothing but blackness. I'm always intrigued when I see a blind person, especially one out on his/her own in the city. It piques my interest...not in the heh, let's see if this person runs into the wall kind of way, but more in the let's see how unbelievably well-adapted this person must believe if they are crossing Armitage at Western with nothing but a walking stick (or whatever they're called--sorry) and their ears to hear the traffic.

It just intrigues me. I know those that are out there don't need my help, typically, but if they did, I'd love to help, if only for the chance to talk to them. I would hope that my questions, "Do you not see at all, or do you "see" blackness?" etc. would not offend them or make them think I was an idiot. But it intrigues me...someone who hasn't seen a Britney Spears or a Halle Barry or a George Clooney wouldn't necessarily be bound by the conventions of beauty, would they? I doubt you'd meet an anorexic or bulemic (for the reason of being skinny, that is) blind person...would you? Or are they just as pressured as those of us with sight?

I don't feel sorry for them, I should clarify. It is sad that some have never seen a beautiful sunset or anything along those lines...a beautiful woman, man, painting, bird, mountain range, constellation, special effects in a movie--all things that are just unbelievable to the eyes. However, they don't have to see the disfigurement of all the bad things in life...graffiti is not a problem for them...nor is light pollution...nor are fat-ass, unhealthy people who wear things they just shouldn't...nor, really, is urban sprawl or the "horrors" of war in terms of visuals. To me, it's just intriguing...

In fact, maybe one of these days, if I'm feeling bored and inquisitive, will try to find a blog by a blind person...it just seems that the day-to-day life of a blind person told to those of us with sight would intrigue me. Think about your day-to-day life...and then think about it had you never been able to see. It sure is amazing...