Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I had a fantastic idea for an interactive blog today on the way to hockey. I was all set to put it up here and see what everyone had to say.

Unfortunately, I think I forgot to pick up the idea off the floor when I was run over by an opponent and possibly suffered an extremely, extremely minor concussion. I remember turning to run up the court to chase the puck, and now I very vaguely remember seeing a body running at me out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't remember that earlier though. Maybe that's why it's not so bad, because maybe I reacted without even knowing it and got my shoulder part way up or something. I don't know. But the next thing I knew I was looking up lying on my back, wondering what the hell happened. I will say I knew it wasn't malicious because my buddy who I'd expect to be leveling someone if it was malicious was standing right over me trying to help me up. :) Apparently, they were in the middle of a line change as I was running nearby their bench. A guy came off the bench and started running up the floor with his head turned back toward the puck, and we ran smack into each other. The guy said afterward that the top of his head got me right under the chin because he was crouched over. I didn't even know who ran into me until the guy apologized postgame. I told him not to worry about it...I knew it wasn't malicious and that the team we played was a bunch of good folks. Not jerks like some of the others. I guess he floored me pretty well though, because our goalie said he saw my head bounce right off the ground.

Fortunately, I haven't thrown up and the minor headache has just turned into floatiness. Not light-headedness, but just like I'm not all there. My eyes are a tad (and I stress a tad) funky too...barely noticeable. I'll know for real tomorrow morning if I have a headache. I'm planning on having Gerard check on me at least once or so during the light, because going to sleep is supposed to be the worst thing post-concussion. I think I'll be just fine, but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. I ate something and I'm keeping it down without a problem, but you never know.

That came after we won the first game. I don't remember the score of either game...I know I had a goal in the first one though. We lost the second game, the one I was concussed in. :)

If I think of the fantastic interactive blog post I had, I'll put it up. I was really excited too, so damn.