Monday, June 12, 2006

Well, it took 29 years and countless hundreds of baseball games, but I finally walked away from a ballpark with a home-run ball.

Maybe this video link will work, maybe it won't (if not, you can find the Jason Michaels home run replay through's game highlights, if you're feeling like hunting)'s the MLB replay of the Jason Michaels home run from last night's game. If you look closely, you can see my arms (grey sleeves of my jacket) jump up to try and catch it, then you can see me dive to my knees on the floor to scoop it up, right before the shot cuts away. There's a dude that flies in from the right of the screen (my left on the video), who almost got it from me. But, thankfully, I was able to scoop it up with both hands before he swooped in. It was so cool...but, I was pissed, because in all the hoopla, I forgot the most important thing: To yell at all the assholes that I wasn't throwing it back, because this is not Wrigley Field. I was disappointed about that. But I'm happy to have "caught" a home run ball.

Oh, and our freezer broke Friday night, and now the refrigerator portion is dying too. Dammit.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled, work and more work.