Tuesday, April 25, 2006

--11 days.

--Pre-emptive question: Does anybody know of any food banks or homeless shelters that will PICK UP food and take it back. We're going to have too much food (try, nearly 30 extra meals, it looks like), and I'd feel terribly shamed if it went to waste. Email me privately, if you don't mind. I don't know if food banks do that kind of thing.

--We're not really bummed out about the number of people that said no to the wedding...we're happy with who's coming, no doubt. Honestly, the important people are going to be there, with only a couple of exceptions. But, we were surprised we didn't make our minimum or even come within 20 of it. It's simply a bit of a kick to the ego, I guess...I didn't expect that 40%--nearly half--of the people I'd invited would say no. Plus, you have to figure in that there are going to be a handful of folks who were supposed to go but just forget or something comes up and they don't show. But, of course, it's going to be an unbelievably damned good time, and that's all that matters, really...as I said, with a couple exceptions, the most important people are going to be there, so although we didn't "meet our goal" in quantity, we surpassed it in quality.

--But, for now, I should get back to work...much to do, so little time. :)