Sunday, February 12, 2006

--84 days.

--Well, today is my little brother's 21st birthday, making him not so little anymore, I guess. So, anyway, happy birthday, Eddie, if you're reading this...

--Lucky me gets to go to Vegas for a few days for a conference toward the end of March. I'm trying to keep myself from thinking I'll have any time to do anything, since work, work, work has been what these conferences have been about for some time now, unfortunately. But who knows for sure, right? I mean, the conferences have to end each day at some point, leaving "plenty" of time to sit down and gamble a bit. And all this possibly in the midst of the Tournament? Not too shabby. :)

--Today, however, I have to work on a story that's due Monday morning, upon arrival at work. So, let the fun begin! :)

--How's everybody? :)