I guess I must be spoiled.
I'm a bit sad, because I'm disappointed. In a dog. Is that wrong?
I guess Kazak spoiled me, really.
See, Autumn has backed off the incessant barking a bit. But now, there are other problems. Such as, apparently she goes ape-shit looking out the balcony window...don't know at what, but she's done it enough to spin the Christmas tree around two days in a row and knock off about six ornaments, breaking two glass ones all over the floor.
She also has been caught on our couch, which Kazak has learned is a no-no.
I guess because Kazak isn't a barker, isn't a hyper dog and listens very well even when I'm not around, I've grown accustomed to that.
It's not that Autumn's a bad dog. Lord knows she cowers when I even raise my voice slightly...so much so, I feel bad, because she truly is trying to please me. But she's just not used to me, I guess. She's a good dog, she's just hyper-spastic sometimes and overly skittish and paranoid for condo life. Living in Bolingbrook, she's OK. Living here...not so much. Besides the fact that, although she's gotten much, much, much, much better, she's not a very good walking dog. Granted, she'd learn, just like Kazak did. But she's pretty antsy out there a lot, and she's still too focused on sniffing EVERYTHING than walking and peeing and pooing.
I know many of you cannot relate to this...but it's frustrating, b/c I want to be able to help my friend out by watching his dog on the rare occasion that he goes away...especially since he watches my dog for me, and my dog's no angel when he's there. But I don't know...it disappoints me that she lets me down, I guess. If that makes sense to any of you.